There are a few ways to become a paid blogger. You can get paid by adding advertising to your blog. You can, if your content is valuable and unique enough, and sought after, have a subscription only area. You can sell affiliate programs on your site. Everything from knowledge products to tangible goods can be…
Empower Network Compensation Plan Rocks
The Empower Network Compensation Plan has changed and evolved over the years. It did rock for a while with their 100% commission model, but over time it just wasn’t sustainable. I did learn A LOT from them so I never regretted being a member, but life goes on. As with many businesses, Empower Network closed…
How To Be a Blogger and Get Paid
Many people out there are wondering what it takes to get paid doing something that they are relatively good at and love to do. So it stands to reason that many of these same people are wondering how to be a blogger and get paid. Well, unless you are REALLY REALLY good, you won’t be…
Empower Blogging System
I always thought that blogging was something only nerdy niche people could succeed at, and by succeed I only mean one of these “discussion only” blogs that are popular and cool but make no money for their authors. They are great and provide awesome information, but it’s a shame that their authors may not get…
Why Do You Want to Start Your Own Business
Hi, I’m Tom. I’m so glad that you’re asking why do you want to start your own business. This means that you’re dissatisfied with your current situation and want a change. It’s okay to be fed up. Been there, done that. If you stop there though, you’re still dead in the water.
Best Way To Market Empower Network
So Tom, Do Tell Us the Best Way to Market Empower Network The best way to market Empower Network is, of course, over the internet. It is an internet based company and lends itself best to internet based tools and methods.
Get a Mentor for Online Success
Most of us who shop around for internet based home business opportunities have to decide which is worthy of monetary investment. After all, you’re working paying the bills and it’s hard to come up with seed money to start something, and you want to choose wisely. Any reasonable person can understand that. It can be…
Second Income Considerations
How is a working person to start working from home while busy pulling full work days? It takes commitment. ..and drive… and persistence.
Best Business to Start with Little Money Compared to Traditional Businesses
The best business to start is one that you are potentially good at. There are many businesses that you can start – different business models. Lets examine some and decide which are the best ones for the average person with limited funds. Let’s see if we can find the best business to start. While others…
Making Friends With Money
What I mean is, you should make friends with the concept of money. Envision it. Welcome it. Don’t push it away. Draw it in. Your thoughts on this affect your experience with money, your relationship with it. Making friends with money is the cure for your misplaced guilt or toxic notions about it.